Leveraging AI to Enhance Telkom Indonesia’s B2B Applications

Dendy Ramdhan
2 min readMay 20, 2024


As a front-end developer, I recently designed and developed the User Interfaces (UIs) for the Feedback Management System (FMS) for Telkom Indonesia’s B2B digital products. This initiative leverages AI to gather and analyze user feedback, providing actionable insights to continuously improve these applications.


Telkom Indonesia recognized the need for an efficient way to collect and analyze feedback from users of their B2B applications. With a diverse range of digital products, it was crucial to have a system that could capture user experiences and sentiments, helping to identify areas for improvement. The goal was to create a comprehensive platform that not only collects feedback but also uses AI for advanced sentiment analysis and data visualization.

Key Features

  1. AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis: The FMS employs AI to categorize feedback into positive, neutral, and negative sentiments. This helps in understanding the overall user satisfaction and identifying specific areas that need attention.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, the FMS provides a clean and intuitive interface. Users can easily navigate through the system and submit their feedback with minimal effort.
  3. Interactive Dashboard: The dashboard offers a comprehensive view of the feedback data, showcasing detailed analytics and trends. This feature allows Telkom to gain valuable insights into user feedback, making it easier to prioritize improvements.
  4. Real-Time Updates: The system updates feedback in real-time, ensuring that the latest user inputs are always available for review. This feature is crucial for promptly addressing any issues and maintaining high user satisfaction.


Since its launch, the FMS has seen significant engagement, with 36 users providing valuable feedback shortly after its introduction. The AI-driven analysis of this feedback has been instrumental in refining Telkom’s B2B applications. The insights gained from user feedback have enabled Telkom to make targeted improvements, enhancing the overall user experience.

Internal Use and Accessibility

Currently, the FMS is an internal application designed for Telkom employees. Employees with a NIK can access the system to provide feedback on the B2B applications they use. This internal focus ensures that feedback comes from individuals who are deeply familiar with the products, providing more relevant and actionable insights.


Developing the FMS for Telkom Indonesia has been a rewarding experience. The system plays a vital role in improving the quality of B2B digital products by leveraging AI to analyze user feedback and provide actionable insights. The FMS not only facilitates the collection of feedback but also helps in understanding user sentiments, making it a crucial tool for continuous improvement.

By incorporating advanced AI technologies, Telkom Indonesia can stay ahead in the competitive B2B market, ensuring that our digital products meet the evolving needs of our users. The ongoing engagement and feedback from Telkom employees will continue to drive the enhancement of these applications.

To submit your feedback and contribute to the improvement of Telkom’s B2B products, visit bizy.mytens.co.id. If you are a Telkom employee with a NIK, you can also provide feedback as a user of one of the B2B applications, helping us to refine and enhance our digital offerings.

